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 How to use Our Products through Chakras


What are Chakras? and How do they work?

The Chakras are energetic center within the auric and physical body of every person. The operate like organs of the soul and all have different purposes. They serve as disks or wheels of energy for cosmic and angelic energy to travel through the physical body and keep us spiritually connected. All of the 7 main chakras are very important and must maintain a good balance to keep a positive spiritual well being. Take a look at the chart above this text to know which chakra does what and what you may want to focus on to help bring balance.

What products are recommended depending on the chakra?

 We are listing the Following stones and herbs that are in our main products and collections that can help bring energy to the chakra you want to work on.

Crown chakra -  Stones: Amethyst, blue goldstone, Quartz, Moldavite, moonstone, sugilite, selenite, Sedona vortex red rock, meteorite, Libyan desert glass. 

Herbs: white Sage,  Sedona Vortex Juniper 

Third eye chakra - Stones: Amethyst, blue goldstone, fluorite, sodalite, lapis lazuli, labradorite, moldavite, opalite. 

Herbs: Lavender, St. John's wart

Throat chakra - Natural turquoise,  Apatite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, amazonite

Herbs: Peppermint, Lavender

Heart Chakra - Stones: Malachite, rose quartz, aventurine, jade, rhodonite, sea jasper, Helenite (Mt. St. Helens Ash).

Herbs: Rose petals, spearmint, peppermint, Cornflour, hibiscus, pine

Solar Plexus Chakra - Stones: Citrine, pyrite, Yellow jade,  Yellow Tiger's eye, Topaz

Herbs: Cinnamon

Sacral Chakra - Stones: Carnelian, Yellow tiger's eye

Herbs: Cinnamon, Patchouli 

Root Chakra - Stones: Red Jasper, Fossils, Red tiger's eye, Garnet, Shungite, Black tourmaline, Hematite, Meteorite, Black tektite, onyx, Obsidian, Smoky quartz, Copper, yooperlie, petoskey stones

Herbs: Sage, Sandalwood, orange Lilly, pine

Our Recommended stones and herbs for the seven chakras...


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